Dr. Thomas Viehmann

World class Machine Learning and PyTorch expert

Lightning AI

Working with a great crew of friends I met through PyTorch, I have the fortune to be Principal Research Engineer at Lightning AI

MathInf GmbH

In 2018 I founded a MathInf GmbH for my professional activities. I mostly do PyTorch and Machine Learning Research and Development consulting and training these days, but if you ask nicely, I might also help with actuarial topics. The company is located in Münster, Germany.


The book I co-authored with Eli Stevens and Luca Antiga, Deep Learning with PyTorch, Manning. For the first half year after publication, it was available as a free download on the PyTorch website, so it may well be the most-read PyTorch book.

Current Open Source Activity

You can contract MathInf GmbH for open source or bespoke work.

Public talks and articles

I keep a blog on machine learning and PyTorch topics at https://lernapparat.de/ And there is the book (see above).


I worked as a qualified actuary with the German Actuarial Society (DAV) and consult in economic risk management modelling on request. Before launching my own company, I was an Actuarial consultant / Senior Manager with B&W Deloitte GmbH, Munich.

I taught courses in advanced risk management for the European and German Actuarial Academies Certified Enterprise Risk Actuary (CERA) program 2015-2020.


Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) in Mathematics, University of Bonn.
Thesis: Uniaxial Ferromagnets, a mathematical study the structure of minimizers of a singular, nonconvex energy functional.
Diplom-Mathematiker, University of Bonn.
During both my Diplom and Ph.D. studies I have been supported by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation).

January 2021 - Thomas Viehmann